This is probably the most important news for us, and the one we care about sharing with the attention it deserves.
Seven years ago, we launched an online type foundry with free Open Source typefaces to share our typographic experiments with the world, see them in use, gather feedback to improve them and connect with the people around this discipline. Over the years, we have managed to meet and develop an astonishing talent network thanks to teaching, fairs, workshops, talks and released projects by designers who shared our approach and attitude. We are grateful for the experience and appreciate the love you have shown since our formation.
Now we are truly proud to feel ready to take things to the next level. We will be launching a new catalogue of retail fonts designed by the team, available for purchase. This is a natural and necessary evolution of our practice, as many of us have studied and committed our profession to type design over the past few years. Collletttivo is expanding, but it’s not leaving anything behind – we are fully committed to maintain and expand the Open Source catalogue. Check out our two latest releases, and Ronzino!
We hope this new step is as exciting for you as it is for us ❤️